Bye Bye Maggie

Gaynor Madoc Leonard
04/10/13 06:35:48PM
302 posts

Rent-a-mob! There are always people available for these occasions - people who have no political affiliations unless they are paid to do so. You'll notice that a great many of them were so young that they would have no knowledge of Margaret Thatcher or of the dismal dump Britain was prior to her premiership. I am certainly old enough to remember having to serve in my parents' shop by the light of an Aladdin lamp. A newspaper columnist today reminded us that having a monopoly in charge of telephone lines meant that you could wait up to 18 months for a phone line and even have to share a line! I recall that when my parents retired from the shop (my father got a job elsewhere), they were told they would have to share their telephone line with someone else! We endured that for a while.

Then there were the likes of Arthur Scargill and Derek Hatton. They certainly made a great contribution to the decline of GB.

Yes, she made mistakes but no one, even those who loathe(d) her, can deny that she was a woman of conviction and courage. And remember she was working-class herself and grew up in a home with an outside loo.

Harold Powell
04/10/13 03:31:22PM
261 posts

I suspect that the spontaneousrevelry in Scotland and parts of London only helped marginalize the political views of the celebratory crowds--at least from an international perspective. I think they did themselves no favors. In fact, it seemed a bit primitive. I was reminded, rightly or wrongly, of the days when political and/or religious enemies wereexhumedto have their heads impaled for public display on London Bridge.

Nonetheless, as a Welsh-American, I defer to those who have experienced, first-hand, the policies of Lady Thatcher. When she visited our small town in 1996, retracing the steps of Winston Churchill and Harry S Truman, she was treated politely and was well received at a public reception in the Capitol Rotunda. I did not attend mainly because it was a black-tie event. I did go to the railway station to see the authentic,commemorativesteam train arrive. Unlike Churchill and Truman she was not aboard but arrived discreetly by helicopter. Former Premier Mikhail Gorbachev was also politely received.

Ceri Shaw
04/10/13 06:06:56AM
568 posts

If you love Wales you hate Margaret Thatcher? Discuss.

updated by @ceri-shaw: 04/15/16 02:47:52AM