St. George - Patron Saint of the English

Gaynor Madoc Leonard
09/09/12 10:16:46AM
302 posts

Yes, I could see the tail and that does look a bit piggy!! All a bit odd. It can't have been much of a dragon to be killed by a weedy chap like that!

Harold Powell
09/09/12 04:17:15AM
261 posts
The artist is unknown but the painting was commissioned by the Monis family of Frankfort ca 1492.
Harold Powell
09/08/12 11:41:25PM
261 posts
The "dragon" is right behind his feet and shield. You can see part of the dragon's cork-screw tail peeking out behind St. George's knee.
Gaynor Madoc Leonard
09/08/12 11:07:51PM
302 posts

I have to agree about the knight looking like a girl (a slight resemblance to Susan Sarandon) but your picture doesn't include much of the dragon so we can't comment on it! I tried looking up the museum's website but only a couple of things come up under St George and neither of them is this. Any idea who the artist was?

Harold Powell
09/08/12 02:33:03PM
261 posts

My 8 year old granddaughter went to the Nelson-Atkins Art Gallery in Kansas City this past weekend. She was excited beyond measure when she saw a painting of a "girl knight!" Instead of doll houses in her downstairs play room she has castles and dragons and knights.

But when she ran across the gallery to get a closer look at the "cool girl knight" she was disappointed as she read the caption and discovered this was the Patron Saint of England. She also said that the dragon looked more like a pig than any other dragon she'd ever seen before.

updated by @harold-powell: 11/11/15 10:38:22PM