Welsh monikers
Gary ' banana back ' -Always complaining that his back was as bent as a banana.'Satan' Develish figure in the heat of the pit.On the tannoy " Come in Satan. Satan is that you?"'Will Substantial' - An Englishman who worked the South Wales coalfields. " If you're going to give me a nick name make it something substantial" Hence.
"Dai Tomos" because his real name is Tomas Thomas. Also, it works for Evan Evans, etc.
Can you think of any colloquial monikers? - and more to the point why the names were given.I'll start you off:Will Piano - he was always cadging fags ( cigarettes ) " I've left mine at home on the piano"Dai rob the dead - He put his name on on a pit dram that someone else had filled -after the guy had dropped dead.Dai the bread was a baker who became successful and bought a posh car. He then became known as Dai the Rolls. As his social status increased he was awarded a peerage and became known as Dai upper crust.Will 'eighteen months' was called so because he lost half an ear in a mining accident - he only had a year and a half leftDai 'quiet wedding' was called so because he turned up for his wedding in daps.Come on people you must know some:)
updated by @ian-price2: 12/04/15 03:57:45PM
updated by @ian-price2: 12/04/15 03:57:45PM