Remember when?

Harold Powell
07/14/13 02:29:44PM
261 posts

Have you ever had someone dial your number by mistake?

Most people are polite and immediately apologize for their fat fingers or for having transposed numbers. But some are very rude about it and hangup angrily without uttering a sound! The rude "click" at the other end of the line seems to say that you are the one at fault for having answered your phone when they were clearly expecting someone else. Trouble is, with caller ID, the innocent party can now call back and say, "Excuse me, is this the party to whom I am speaking?" Or, "I am an international terrorist. By calling my number accidentally then failing to apologize for dialing a wrong number--the NSA agent who was listening in, has, by now, dispatched a drone to your address. I have 10 feet of reinforced concrete over my head. What do you have? Have a nice life."

The new technology of Caller ID has changed things.

However, what was new is now old and technology marches on. In addition to wrong numbers it now possible to get text messages intended for someone else. My son-in-law, Nathan, received an errant message last night. He didn't get angry. He just played along. Then he took a screen shot of the message he received and his reply:

updated by @harold-powell: 12/11/15 07:29:08PM