Giant Vegetables at Rhondda Heritage Park

Janet Louise Mancini
09/24/12 08:31:51PM
14 posts

Wow, that's the biggest onion I have ever seen. I put them in everything I cook. Amazing actually.

Harold Powell
09/24/12 08:06:13PM
261 posts

It also makes you wonder if they might glow when the lights are turned off. Were these gardeners' allotments near a nuclear reactor cooling tower?

Gaynor Madoc Leonard
09/24/12 07:56:37PM
302 posts

But are these vegetables actually edible? I get the impression that they're not really.

Harold Powell
09/24/12 05:45:06PM
261 posts

Ooops! I failed to hit OK when I uploaded the onion picture so here it is.

Harold Powell
09/24/12 05:42:23PM
261 posts

Wow! Giant Vegetables in Rhondda Heritage Park.

First picture is a an onion weighing 18lb 1oz.

The second is a giant leek

The Story Here

updated by @harold-powell: 12/15/15 11:38:18PM