The Stories of Rhys - Children's Welsh book series

Christopher R. Williams
10/18/12 12:24:16PM
44 posts

I have had many enquires about publishing The Stories of Rhys in print and I have looked at all the options. POD (Publishing On Demand) is very expensive particularly if the book contains colour illustrations. It is possible but the retail price would be around 17.99 ($29) which is far too much. I wouldnt ask any of my readers to pay that. I need the backing of a major publisher to launch the books in print but being a first time author they are not interested in me. You have to be a media celebrity these days to get into the childrens book market.

I will continue with the Amazon Kindle eBooks. They are tremendous value for money at less than 3 ($4.50) and you can download them to the device of your choice not just a Kindle reader. If the eBooks sell in volume then they will attract a publisher. This is the way many authors finally get a publishing deal. Please buy the eBooks and help make The Stories of Rhys the success they deserve to be.
Christopher R. Williams
10/06/12 04:37:24PM
44 posts

Thanks Gaynor. I'm looking at along with some others that have been suggested.

Gaynor Madoc Leonard
10/06/12 04:02:16PM
302 posts

Chris, did you look at I realise that your book is in full colour so it would be more expensive to produce than a normal novel but they do ensure that your book is on as many online stores as possible, including Amazon. I sympathise with your frustration at being ignored by publishers!

Christopher R. Williams
10/06/12 03:06:23PM
44 posts

Hi Iona, thank you so much for your support and encouragement. The books have gone down very well in schools in England and in Wales. Im looking in to the printed option and would love to see them in print, but the problem is the cost. Any printed version would have to be in colour because of the illustrations (eight per book) and that bumps the cost up considerably. I also want any printed version to be of a high quality that will do justice to the series. I dont want anything cheap for The Stories of Rhys.

To be affordable the books need to retail around 6.99 ($11 - $12) each. All the sites Ive looked at recently come out around 14.99 ($24 - $25) with payment and dispatch facilities. The site Id want them to go on is Amazon. Others are cheaper but vary in quality and other options. Without the support of a publisher its very difficult, and as Ive said before publishers ignore me despite the interest and demand there is for the series.

I wish eBooks were more accepted. At less than 3.00 they are great value and very affordable, but its just not the preferred medium and particularly for childrens books. Ive had enquires from around the world about printed books and would have sold hundreds by now if they were available.

Ill keep looking into the various options and update everyone as soon as I have more information. You can follow me on Facebook. All friends request welcome. !/profile.php?id=100004344034765

Iona Wyn Hall
10/06/12 01:25:18PM
22 posts

Chris, I very much hope you will bring these out in book form. I work in a Welsh medium primary school and would love to see this collection in our library as I'm surewould other schools all over Wales. Go for it Chris!!

Christopher R. Williams
10/02/12 09:02:37AM
44 posts

I've put a general reply on my post in the literature section. Please take a look .

Gaynor Madoc Leonard
10/01/12 11:19:02AM
302 posts

I have Kindle on my PC but I don't like reading books on screen myself (although I can see the practicality of Kindle/Nook etc). My cousin's grandchildren don't have these things. I can only tell you my experience of for publishing in paperback - the books are printed on demand but are sent really quickly and the publishing costs (given that you already have cover art) are small. You might find another similar online publisher if you don't like the look of lulu.

Christopher R. Williams
10/01/12 10:56:02AM
44 posts

Hi Gaynor and Iona. Thank you so much for your interest. They are not available as printed books at the moment. A printed book version would be more expensive. I'm asked all the time about printed books though. If the demand is there I'll do it. The Kindle eBooks are very good. You don't need a Kindle reader to download them, you can download them to other devices such as Kindle for iPhone. iPad, PC or laptop. They work best on Kindle Fire though or an iPad. Have a look at the preview on the Amazon website if you haven't already.

Many thanks again

Gaynor Madoc Leonard
10/01/12 10:44:36AM
302 posts

I too would like to buy this book for my cousin's grandchildren but in book form, rather than Kindle. Will it be coming out in that form, Christopher? Hope so.

Iona Wyn Hall
10/01/12 10:27:32AM
22 posts

Chris, is this wonderful collection availablein hardback? I would love to buy a set for my children Alys (12), Tomos (9) and Mari (4).They love going to the Great Orme. Diolch yn fawr.

Harold Powell
09/23/12 01:22:12PM
261 posts

Janet, I frequently encounter that error when I try to by a Kindle book via It is strange because I have an account there and I can buy cloth and paper bound books and have them shipped via regular post but they block the sale of some eBooks. But most of the time the same Kindle book is available at and I have no trouble.

Christopher R. Williams
09/23/12 11:47:47AM
44 posts

Hi Janet and everyone at Americymru,

The eBooks are available worldwide and anyone can buy them. Just go to the your Amazon website ( ) and search for the title 'The Stories of Rhys' in Kindle Store. There you will be able to preview the book and buy it by downloading directly to your prefered reading device. Kindle Touch, Kindle Fire, Kindle for iPad, Kindle for iPhone, Kindle for PC etc.etc. As there are colour illustrations it's best to use a device that will display in colour. Here is a direct link to the page on

Thank you so much for your interest. Please let me know if you have any further dificulties

Christopher R. Williams

Find me on Facebook

Janet Louise Mancini
09/23/12 05:03:27AM
14 posts


For some reason I could not order the book to my Kindle because your in the UK. Can I read it anywhere else online? I order from Amazon here in the states all the time with no problem.



Christopher R. Williams
09/12/12 05:28:53PM
44 posts

Hi everyone,
Please take a look at my Welsh children's story series 'The Stories of Rhys' that I have just released on Amazon Kindle. A mystery adventure story set in North Wales that I hope will find an audience in America where children from a Welsh background who have never been to Wales will be inspired them. Full details in the Welsh Literature section and on my website.
Christopher R. Williams

updated by @christopher-r-williams: 11/11/15 10:38:24PM