What is this site about?

Ceri Shaw
01/31/11 12:32:25AM
568 posts

The idea is simply this....Wales does not get the attention it deserves, or the exposure that it deserves, when compared to the other Celtic nations in the US. AmeriCymru exists partially for the purpose of acting as a social network for the Welsh ,Welsh ex pats, persons of Welsh descent etc and partly to act as a shop window for contemporary and traditional Welsh culture .

Everyone who contributes to the site does so on a voluntary basis and we raise funds via our 501c3 ( a registered charity in the US ) - 'The Meriwether Lewis Memorial Eistedfdod Foundation'. Those funds are used to promote Wales and Welshness in the USA by means of a series of annual events. We hope that the West Coast Eisteddfod will grow and become a major part of the cultural calendar in the Western US. If it does so it will afford many further opportunities for Welsh authors, artists and musicians to perform and be heard this side of the pond.

Many of the artists who appear at our events ( both professional and amateur ) do so for expenses. Whilst we would dearly love to be able to bring choirs over we have to be aware of the costs involved. We concentrate, at the moment, on solo performers ( often using backing tapes ) in order to keep costs down. Which is not to say that we will not strive to mount more ambitious projects in the future :)

I hope that answers some of your questions Ken Please feel free to email me at americymru@gmail.com if I can be of any further assistance.

p.s. As for the competition the winners in the English language category were Bruce Lader (1st) and Jolen Whitworth (2nd). We did not receive enough entries in either Welsh or Spanish to proceed to an adjudication. Last year we got 5 Welsh language entries I believe. We were looking for a minimum of 10 or 12. We did blog about this at various times last year, both before and after the competition.

Ken Thomas2
01/30/11 11:51:13PM
4 posts

I have been a member of this website for a while now and have actively contributed. I entered the Welsh Coast Eisteddford Welsh Language Poetry Competition last year and am still awaiting the result despite being promised that it would happen in October/November time.

I have bought a novel fom the site and uploaded several Welsh themed videos.I also worked extremely hard to drum up support for the charity bid for funding last year.

I now see that we are being asked to support the next Welsh Coast Eisteddofd where Paul Childs ( a professional artist) will open the event.

There must be dozens of choirs or less well known artists who would grab the chance to perform at this event.If you are lacking contacts, please let me know.

Please help me understand what's going on?

updated by @ken-thomas2: 11/11/15 10:37:42PM