Would you kindly take 1 min to complete my Test Poll?

Ceri Shaw
07/07/10 09:20:29PM
568 posts
Just done it :)
Rhianne Griffiths
07/07/10 07:48:39PM
12 posts
This is a test poll to familiarise myself with the software.

There are just 3 questions.

This is a dry run in preparation for the Shutterbugs Photographic competition taking place during August, July and September, and being voted on early in October. Go to the Events Section to see details of the competition.

I will post a link to the poll so that you too can vote on the 10 finalists' photo's, here on Americymru. The public will whittle down the 10 finalists to the last 5. The judges will then select the final winning photograph.

Your help is really appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Go HERE to vote

updated by @rhianne-griffiths: 11/11/15 10:37:33PM