
Ceri Shaw

Misc Nonsense

Comment by Prof. Em. E. Wyn Roberts on August 8, 2011 at 12:14pm     J:     How is it possible for one whom you, with a callousness bordering on...
@Ceri Shaw started 8 years ago - replies: 0
Ceri Shaw

Bossey | Drangway | Jorum [originally posted by Rhianne Griffiths]

Started by Rhianne GriffithsOK, let's try this:Bossey | Drangway | JorumThe words are all Gower dialect and I've checked, you will find a...
@Ceri Shaw started 10 years ago - replies: 0
Ceri Shaw

'Otiose', 'Gravigrade' and 'Ablutions'

Your mission ( should you decide to accept it ) is to come up with a sentence ( preferably humorous but certainly literate ) incorporating the...
@Ceri Shaw started 10 years ago - replies: 0
Ceri Shaw

Deliciate, Ludibrious and Malagrugrous

Your mission ( should you decide to accept it ) is to come up with a sentence ( preferably humorous but certainly literate ) incorporating...
@Ceri Shaw started 10 years ago - replies: 1
Ceri Shaw


GABRINOUS--BATHYKOLPIAN--DACTYLION Posted by mona everett on August 9, 2011 at 8:32pm in Vocabulary Challenge Group Back to...
@Ceri Shaw started 10 years ago - replies: 0