Brynle Williams


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Blogs: 1

from the welsh assembly

user image 2009-05-06
By: Brynle Williams
Posted in:
I am very new to this bloging caper so please be patient with me,Iam sat here in the assembly chamber,debating stroke treatment I joke not.if anybody would replie,only to happy to respond

Ceri Shaw
05/06/09 06:05:06PM @ceri-shaw:
Unless of course its with the barman on the advisability of further alcohol consumption:)
Ceri Shaw
05/06/09 06:03:45PM @ceri-shaw:
Hi Brynle...sounds like you need a break mate. Get yourself on a plane and come on over to the Portland Eisteddfod in August. I promise there will be no discussion of medical matters.
Ymwelydd anfynych
05/06/09 06:03:18PM @ymwelydd-anfynych:
edrychwn ymlaen at glywed adroddiadau gennych!
05/06/09 06:00:09PM @gaabi:
I've sat in the US Senate and House of Representatives and watched hearings but never legislation
05/06/09 05:59:07PM @gaabi:
What are you debating on stroke treatment? That sonds like a pretty sober subject!