Brian y Tarw Llwyd


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Ray Thomas marries in Wales!

user image 2009-07-10
By: Brian y Tarw Llwyd
Posted in:
Who is Ray Thomas, you ask? Have we no Moody Blues fans out there? I believe you might remember that he was one of the original members, and was the flutist. I believe he is of Welsh descent. He also wrote and sang, one of his more memorable tunes being about Timothy Leary, (another Celt!). Anyway he was married today in Wales, and for you Ray Thomas and/or Moody Blues fans, here is a nifty site to check out, which includes the announcement.

Brian y Tarw Llwyd
07/10/09 10:54:12PM @brian-y-tarw-llwyd:
drat... the 2nd link works, but the 1st one will req you to search for MoodyJill first... sorry about that
Brian y Tarw Llwyd
07/10/09 10:51:08PM @brian-y-tarw-llwyd:
Thanks for the comments, people. My wife has been a MB freak forever and has been lately on a video-making rampage, interpreting their music. Here is one which is about Tim Leary (not the one most are familiar with:
and here is one that I am fond of
although she has done a number of good ones, which can be found on YouTube

Mark Powell
07/10/09 10:14:20PM @mark-powell:
Brian,I was just talking today to someone who asked me if Timothy Leary was dead or alive. I noted that the Moody Blues song was quite popular while he was alive, but has sunken into obscurity now that he's dead.The Moody Blues is the one favorite of mine that I just never got a chance to see. Yes, ELP, Zappa, Elvis Costello, Santana, Bob Dylan, but no Moody Blues. >sob<...Since you mentioned wee Dr. Tim, Firesign Theatre did a skit about him (probably more than one, actually). Do you remember it? ;)--Mark Powell
Ceri Shaw
07/10/09 01:39:48AM @ceri-shaw:
Just across the border:- Ray Thomas (born on 29 December 1941, in Stourport-on-Severn, England) ..still.... being born that close he's bound to have some welsh blood in him. Besides it was all WalesLand at one time. That area was once part of the Kingdom of Powys I believe.