Brian y Tarw Llwyd


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Druid Gorsedd, Festival at Lughnasadh, 2009

user image 2009-02-27
By: Brian y Tarw Llwyd
Posted in:
Druid Gorsedd, Festival at Lughnasadh, 2009 The House of Danu, an alliance of Druid Groves and seed groups in the state of California, will host the Gorsedd for the Festival of Lughnasadh, July 31 to August 3, 2009, at the Pema Osel Ling Buddhist Retreat near Monterrey, California, and invites anyone interested in California Druid culture to attend. From the invitation:"The House of Danu gathers for this celebration of California Druid culture where we bring forth our enchanting music, vibrant dance, visual arts, Druid merchants, poetry, drumming, storytelling, workshops, games, OBOD initiations, Bardic evenings around the campfire, a magnificent Eisteddfod, and a grand procession for thesacred ritual of Lughnasadh that you help create."Read the rest of the invitation here (.pdf).

Eddy Jones.2
09/17/12 01:34:53PM @eddy-jones2:

Thanks for sharing this interesting post ; I am finding my way around slowly and so gladI decided to join you all on here.

Keep the posts coming Brian Tarw Llwyd


Brian y Tarw Llwyd
05/16/09 04:43:33AM @brian-y-tarw-llwyd:
WOW! It gets even better! Check this out! large banner
Brian y Tarw Llwyd
04/06/09 09:37:58PM @brian-y-tarw-llwyd:
Yes! Philip Carr-Gomm, Chosen Chief of OBOD, and John Michael Greer, Archdruid of AODA, are both going to be there... and there is even more in the works!Bendithion!
04/03/09 05:28:05PM @katharine:
Wow. With Philip C-G and John Michael, too! If I weren't on the opposite coast I'd be there in a flash! Thanks for letting me know about it.Katharine
02/27/09 03:35:59PM @gwalchgwyn:
It should be an awesome festival of sensual delights and spiritual revelry.
Barbe Saint John
02/27/09 06:09:24AM @barbe-saint-john:
looks lovely! I'm HOPING to be in Cardiff for the summer (if I can make enough money!) but if I'm not I'll try to come.
Jennifer (aka Garan Gwyn)
02/27/09 05:08:18AM @jennifer-aka-garan-gwyn:
I am SO all over this! LOL