Black Dragon Crafts



My work has been influenced by all of the usual Celtic suspects but particularly George and Iain Bain

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What's new? Beth sy'n newydd?

Black Dragon Crafts
@black-dragon-crafts • 5 years ago

Today is Black Dragon Crafts's Birthday
Black Dragon Crafts
@black-dragon-crafts • 6 years ago • comments: 0
Today is Black Dragon Crafts's Birthday
Black Dragon Crafts
@black-dragon-crafts • 8 years ago • comments: 12
Posted a new Comment on @black-dragon-crafts:
"Hello everyone! Checking in from wonderful West Wales, where it is raining. Again. Thought you might be interested to learn that I have finally some put some..."
Black Dragon Crafts
@black-dragon-crafts • 8 years ago • comments: 0
Rated a products item created by @black-dragon-crafts with a 5:
Celtic Chakra bracelet
Black Dragon Crafts
@black-dragon-crafts • 8 years ago

Hey! I've just put some of my Celtic beads and jewellery for sale on here! What do you think? xXx

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