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Hi All, i just did my first camera interview & my first guest was London based Sax player Alex Garnett, when he came to perform at Swansea Jazzland with his band. You can see the interview at & let me know what you think.

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I now have a facebook page. Please feel welcome to stop by and say hello. -)
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The first time we met, I thought he was nice.The second time we met, I admit, I looked twice.The third time we met, I felt an attraction.The fourth time we met, it was time for action.The fifth time we met, was on our first date.The sixth time we met, We stayed out quite late.The seventh time we met, I felt from him some distance.The eighth time we met, I wasn't admired for my persistence.The ninth time we met, well, should have stopped at eight.I ignored all the signs, but then I guess, that's fate!
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Time moves on from one day to the next,
You think nothing of it.
And suddenly it happens.
You reach the age you never thought you would be.
What happens next?
You suddenly get anxious and dread time moving on.
From that moment on, time is not on your side.
Time is an enemy!
It is YOUR enemy!!
Fear creeps up on you.
When it happened, I cant really decide.
All innocence is lost.
That which was a wonderful place to be enjoyed,
Now tainted, now scared and afraid.
You hesitate with every decision you make.
Fear holds you back from what you intuitively feel is right.
Fear is an enemy!
It is YOUR enemy!!
Love is easy and natural.
But in the sea of other emotions,
Love is the hardest one to feel.
Love should be all there is in the world,
But it isnt.
We all love the way we think we should love.
So then why do situations turn negative when we love them the most?
Love becomes an enemy!
Love becomes YOUR enemy!!
You think nothing of it.
And suddenly it happens.
You reach the age you never thought you would be.
What happens next?
You suddenly get anxious and dread time moving on.
From that moment on, time is not on your side.
Time is an enemy!
It is YOUR enemy!!
Fear creeps up on you.
When it happened, I cant really decide.
All innocence is lost.
That which was a wonderful place to be enjoyed,
Now tainted, now scared and afraid.
You hesitate with every decision you make.
Fear holds you back from what you intuitively feel is right.
Fear is an enemy!
It is YOUR enemy!!
Love is easy and natural.
But in the sea of other emotions,
Love is the hardest one to feel.
Love should be all there is in the world,
But it isnt.
We all love the way we think we should love.
So then why do situations turn negative when we love them the most?
Love becomes an enemy!
Love becomes YOUR enemy!!
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In the midst of all the chaos,there stood a little boy.Unharmed by all the fighting,still holding his favourite toy.Desperately searching and hoping to see,anyone he recognised, friends or family.How he ended up here,he didn't seem to know,Even if the choice was his,wouldn't know where to go.But then in the distancehe suddenly saw a light,Growing brighter and brighter,as day turned to night.Walking towards the lighthe saw a familiar face,appearing instantly before him,arms outstretched to embrace."I've found my way home at last",the little boy said."I looked for you everywhere,thought that you were dead".His mother smiled lovingly,took him by the hand.Together they walked towards the lightand to a distant land.A new experience of love he feltin this beautiful place.All the confusion, chaos and fightinghe would never again have to face.
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There once was a pianoWho lived in Wales,That felt uneasyLike it was filled with nails.So, decided to have a spring clean.But woke up to find,It had all been a dream.The nails were not really there,It was its imagination.Andt that being playedWas its very occupation.So broke free,To express its emotion.But piano's can't see,And so ended up in the ocean.
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