This resource is provided by AmeriCymru and is intended for Welsh learners who are not yet ready to commit to a full time course. With Croeseiriau Cymraeg you can devise your own schedule and learn at your own pace. Before you start please go to this page: Croeseiriau Cymraeg and read the 'Introduction' and 'How to Use' sections.

If you are ready to commit to a full time course we recommend the following options:

AmeriCymraeg This is an online course with tutor John Good, which is offered in two-month terms. Go here for more information and to register: AmeriCymraeg

SSIW Want to learn quickly? Then you might want to check out the SSIW High Intensity Language Program here: SSIW

Online Welsh language course





Ask Dr Gramadeg Sqwar8.jpg


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Braidd - Rather, Almost, Somewhat

  • braidd - rather, almost, somewhat

    sample sentence: 

    Beth yw enw 'r hwnnw ?

    Craig y Mor .. mae'n edrych yn braidd sinistr .

    What is the name of that house?

    Craig y Mor .... it looks rather sinister.

    Image: Craig-y Mor