Favourite period in Welsh history

Jenny Sullivan
03/09/16 05:22:37PM

Am I allowed two, please? I owe my lovely primary school teacher, Miss Thomas, at Lansdowne PrimarySchool in Cardiff, for arousing my interest in both. The first is the 12th century - specifically Prince Madoc ap Owain Gwynedd, who arrived in America in 1170, who triggered off my teenage novel "Following Blue Water" and also my enduring fascination with historical research. The second is the 15th century and Owain Glyndwr. Miss T was so passionate about Owain that when I got old enough and brave enough, I dived into the history of the Welsh War of Independence, fell in love and am currently working on the third part of a trilogy about the War.Both periods are utterly fascinating, and I ended up laughing and crying at both Madoc's and Owain's exploits. Real people both of whom deserve wider knowledge for anyone with Welsh blood flowing through their veins.