Ymwelydd anfynych


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Cyfieithu i'r Gymraeg

user image 2008-11-11
By: Ymwelydd anfynych
Posted in:
Mae'n ddoniol braidd eich bod wedi cyfieithu "An American Welsh Social Network" i "Rhwydwaith Cymdeithasol i Gymru America" (sef 'A Social Network for the Wales of America').('Patagonia Newydd"?).Cymeraf taw "typo" yw hyn, yn lle'r "Rhwydwaith Cymdeithasol i Gymry America" ddylai fod yma.

Ymwelydd anfynych
11/15/08 09:47:49PM @ymwelydd-anfynych:
Galwaf i draw eto yfory, felly.
Ceri Shaw
11/15/08 09:46:33PM @ceri-shaw:
Diolch...I'll add those on Sunday if no one suggests any alternatives. Also I will put up a new list of target phrases tomorrow.
Ymwelydd anfynych
11/15/08 09:39:20PM @ymwelydd-anfynych:
I've thrown my two penn'orth into the discussion on the other side!
Ceri Shaw
11/15/08 09:30:49PM @ceri-shaw:
I apologise for the omission. I will feature this blogpost and discussion in the hope that others who wish to assist will know where to go to help. Diolch.
Ymwelydd anfynych
11/15/08 09:19:20PM @ymwelydd-anfynych:
aha! you should have mentioned that group in your email the other day when we were discussing this issue! diolch.
Ceri Shaw
11/15/08 09:18:11PM @ceri-shaw:
Agreed. We need all the help we can get to move this forward. I have corrected one or two of the errors that you pointed out but am unsure how to proceed on the others. Please join the "Translate This Site" discussion in the Grwp Iaith Cymraeg. It is intended that this discussion should serve the purpose you describe. Basically we are targetting phrases or groups of phrases and appealing for translations to be posted in the discussion. If they are not challenged and if they appear to be agreeable to the majority of site members we add them to the language file. I will be posting a new list this weekend.Diolch yn FawrCeri Shaw
Ymwelydd anfynych
11/15/08 09:07:18PM @ymwelydd-anfynych:
(So that you can perhapsx move your gaze somewhere else...!^^)The message (and comments) list a number of errors in the Welsh here and there on the website, and suggest that a kind of translation committee-blog might be a useful way of getting the bilingual aspect done well (to help keep the Welsh correct while also steering a path between the idiosyncratic and the excessively non-standard).
Ceri Shaw
11/12/08 08:49:08PM @ceri-shaw:
Diolch am eich ateb. Still looking at it.
Ymwelydd anfynych
11/11/08 10:37:15PM @ymwelydd-anfynych:
aha - ac ambell i un arall:i) GWEFANNAU DYN NI HOFFI - YMWELD A PLISI gywiro hyn (i fod yn ramadegol gywir), dylid cael "Gwefannau yr ydym yn eu hoffi - Ymwelwch nhw, os gwelwch yn dda."Ond beth am: "Ein hoff wefannau - galwch draw!"ii) "Features and Classifieds""Nodweddion a Dosbarthig" ?? Cymeraf taw "dosbarthedig" sydd i fod yma, ond wn i ddim a yw hynny'n gyfieithiad da. Rwy' wedi gweld "Hysbysebion Categori" mewn rhai mannau, ond mae hynny hefyd yn fy nharo braidd yn chwithig.Ac wrth sn am bethau chwithig:iii) a fyddai'n bosibl ffeindio gwell ffordd i gyfieithu "Left Coast Eisteddfod"? Mae "Eisteddfod yr arfordir chwith" yn swnio fel "Eisteddfod of the awkward coast". Beth am "Eisteddfod y Gorllewin", yn syml, neu "Eisteddfod Arfordir y Gorllewin" (dydyn ni ddim yn sn am arfordiroedd 'chwith' a 'de' yn y Gymraeg fel arfer, am wn i). Neu, os oes angen cadw'r elfen wleidyddol (a la 'Left Wing' / Yr Asgell Chwith), beth am "Eisteddfod Arfordir y Chwith"? (Efallai taw fi yn unig sy'n gweld y cyfieithiad gwreddiol yn od!)Beth am gael blog-bwyllgor i drafod y pethau hyn cyn iddynt ymddangos ar y wefan?
Ymwelydd anfynych
11/11/08 10:24:10PM @ymwelydd-anfynych:
aha - a "typo" arall:yn lle "Edrychwch ar Fi Mlog" dylai fod "Gweld fy Mlog"