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Saturday September 5 2009, 10:00 AM
@ Altamont Fairgounds, Altamont, NY
The St. David's Welsh Society of the Capital District will have a booth at the Capital District Scottish Games. In addition, on of our members, Darhon Reese-Rohrbacher, and her local harp society will be performing at various times of the day. Finally, the Infamous Welsh Cookie Company will be selling their wares on the field throughout the weekend.
@ Altamont Fairgounds, Altamont, NY
The St. David's Welsh Society of the Capital District will have a booth at the Capital District Scottish Games. In addition, on of our members, Darhon Reese-Rohrbacher, and her local harp society will be performing at various times of the day. Finally, the Infamous Welsh Cookie Company will be selling their wares on the field throughout the weekend.