Welsh Artist Chris Chalk


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Landscape Painting Outdoors in Pembrokeshire National Park

Category: Entertainment
Duration: 00:02:08
An exercise in painting in windy conditions, my pochade box nearly blew over a few times (you can see it blowing about here).
A pochade box is essentially a small box, usually made of wood, that has 3 unique properties;

1) It has a hinged lid that acts as an easel and holds your canvas or board or other support, for painting on.
2) It has a palette contained within it.
3) It has storage space for all of your brushes, paints, thinners, e.t.c.

...find out where you can get your own pochade box at http://www.chrischalkart.com/painting_blog/what-is-a-pochade-box-and-how-do-you-use-one/