By: Wayne Yendle
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Why is ROAR necessary? It is estimated that 98% of disabled children, many with complex needs live at home and are supported by their families, who can ill afford the costly care they require.The needs of children, young people and their families are likely to be many, varied and complex. Many clinicians report that children and young people requiring medical care are facing longer periods in poorer health. Parents often carry out much of the care themselves, but find that the support available from their local statutory services is limited.What we can doHelp disabled children and those with life-limiting illness, ROAR will work to give these children comfort, dignity and where possible, greater independence.
R esponding to specific identified needs
O f disabled children and those with life-limiting illnesses
A ssisting them by supplying a wide range of equipment
R eacting quickly in the realisation the child's life could be shortTo raise more funds, in order to meet the requirements of an increasing number of children with life-limiting illnesses throughout South Wales.PLEASE PASS THIS WEBSITE ONTO YOUR FRIENDS ON AMERICYMRU.....