Tami Marie Cross


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Need Help !!!

user image 2012-06-28
By: Tami Marie Cross
Posted in:

Right need help tracing my line of family from Captain John Smith to sort out papers to get my Passport back to get home please any help would be brilliant!!!He is my great Great Great Great Granddad according to family I have left and was founded to be so ages ago have lost all my stuff and need help to present day with me to get sorted properly please and diolch yn fawr xxx

Gaynor Madoc Leonard
06/28/12 02:01:22PM @gaynor-madoc-leonard:
Tami, as John Smith is scarcely a rare name, I would suggest that you take out a free trial of 14 days on the ancestry site: www.ancestry.co.uk and work backwards from yourself to find your GGG Grandfather.
Tami Marie Cross
06/28/12 06:53:40AM @tami-marie-cross:
yes I know he was from England but I need help xxx