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My Wildest Dream
I've been trying for years to obtain a full-time job with benefits somewhere where I am able to promote Wales, its people, its culture, etc.... I devoted my masters education to Welsh folklore, mythology and legend used as a multicultural/multimedia means to understand not only Welsh culture, but other countries as well. In fact, I co-wrote a play that I produced and directed as part of my thesis defense. I even had fairies and a live harpist!I haven't given up hope yet and know that one day, thanks to people like you, I will succeed.
To answer the questions posed by Gwybedyn, the fairies were young actors and yes, I found quite a bit of useful information in Welsh folklore. I have quite an extensive library of Welsh folklore, mythology and legend thanks to my masters thesis; a library that continues to grow as I continue to research.
What kind of fairies were these? Did you find much useful material in Welsh folklore?