Steve Purnell


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My work to be created in Lego and put in an exhibition - Update

user image 2014-10-16
By: Steve Purnell
Posted in: Art

Sorrry that I haven't been around for a couple of weeks but we have been busy having some home improvements done and have had to do a lot of decorating. Things have settled down a little now.

Exciting times. The project has been completed and the Lego image is now ready for the exhibition in January. I think that the Lego mock up looks really good and applaud the skill of all of those involved. The image is made up of more than 7,000 Lego bricks and took some 36 hours spread over 2 weeks to build. More news and photographs to follow soon.

Zsolt has just mailed me to say that the photographer of the National News Agency loved Striped Water and is going to the school to take some photos so it looks like the project is going to make the national press in Hungary.