Richard Pugh


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Tea For Tenovus

Tea For Tenovus

Friday May 1 2009, 1:00 AM
@ Across the World
Attendees:  @Richard Pugh
Brew up this May and raise money for Tenovus.

Go on. Get the kettle on!

Today 46 people in Wales will be told they have cancer. You can help us to give them the break they need.

Our Cancer Support Team provides support, advice and counselling to all cancer patients through our mobile units and local support centres. We also work with others to develop new treatments and preventions. But we still need to do more to bring cancer care to our community.

We need you to turn the every day activity of making a cup of tea in to something special. How? By turning your every day cuppa into something really special this May with a Tea for Tenovus Fundraiser!

Why not get old fashioned and hold a Tea Dance?
What about getting together and having a Strawberry Tea Party?
Go mad like a hatter at a Traditional Tea Party. Hats are compulsory!
Settle down for Afternoon Tea with homemade cakes. Who bakes best?
Sponsor your Tea Break at work
Try something a little stronger like a Long Island Iced Tea!