Rhianne Griffiths


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On The Rocks Documentary

Duration: 00:09:52
The spirit of brotherhood!Everyone loves OtR! I certainly do, and I hope you do to.

Rhianne Griffiths
06/13/10 07:19:48PM @rhianne-griffiths:
I've been following the guys for a long time now and get sooo much pleasure from listening to their work. Their range covers so many genres - their talent is awesome. They audition every year for new voices too so they have no difficulty in staying fresh and the different personalities brings added charisma.If you like their work perhaps you'd like to consider supporting their progress .I hope one day that they will be in a position to tour UK and in particular Wales .... I'll be in the front row for sure! :0))Rhianne, aka LadyBizBiz