Rhianne Griffiths


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Of All The Blogs That I Have Posted, This Is The Most Important.

user image 2010-11-16
By: Rhianne Griffiths
Posted in:
I am a busy person, you are a busy person, we all are very, very busy people.

But this is something we should not allow to pass us by.

We wouldn't allow our children to talk to strangers and share personal details about themselves to strangers, but everyday young children, some as young as 10 years old are doing just that ... right under the noses of their parents.

I'm not about to make judgements about the quality of parenting taking place.

I just want to implore you to pass this video information on to your family and extended family. If you are a grandparent or a parent please sit down with your grandchild or child to watch this short video and TALK through the issues with them.

In the UK we have CEOP (Child Exploitation & Online Protection Centre) and there are numerous agencies in the US along with individuals who lead the cause such as Chris T Burgess and Mary Kay Hoal .

These are very good starting points if you are concerned about the danger to our children ... they are all our children really, and we need to watch out for them, because sometimes they get themselves into serious danger very easily. The Internet is a wonderful resource but children need intensive education from a very early age in order to become SAVVY and SAFE.

The video below should hit the message home to your young children ... but only if they see it!

If there is anything more you need to know please feel free to ask me. Be assured everything we speak about will be in the strictest confidence.

I am a busy entrepreneur but nothing is more important to me than protecting our children in cyberspace from predators and from bullies.

I can provide you with more useful contacts in the US through my friends in the field, so please do ask.

Warmest wishes.

Rhianne Griffiths
05/01/11 01:37:38PM @rhianne-griffiths:

This weekend we ALL have the time to sit with our children/grandchildren and touch on some issues about personal safety in life and on the internet.

Can you afford not to devote some of this Bank Holiday Weekend to providing guidance and practical support for your children and grandchildren?

Believe me, I am not scare-mongering, your young child, or teenager for that matter, could be being groomed RIGHT NOW, on the web within the bounds of Facebook, MySpace, or any of the other social networks.

**** Important point to note here ***** It is illegal for children under 13 to register on Facebook, but lots of them do because they lie about their date of birth. **** There are tens of hundreds of paedophiles lurking on social networks, scanning carefully for signs of young children who are looking for someone to chat with ******


Don't leave any room for error here as there is no undoing the saddevastating and damaging results of a situation where a child/teenager is groomed on the internet by a predator, or the pain experienced when the individual has been bullied. (We have all read about the incidences where bullied youngsters commit suicide because the pain is too much to bare).

I hope you have a fabulous family Bank Holiday Weekend together.

Rhianne Griffiths
11/16/10 08:49:09PM @rhianne-griffiths:
Two front-line people who will help:John CherrySouth Wales Policejohn.cherry@south-wales.pnn.police.ukJoanne EversonHeddlu Gwent PoliceJoanne.everson@gwent.pnn.police.ukBoth officers are attached to the e-CrimeWales unit here .
Ceri Shaw
11/16/10 08:47:26PM @ceri-shaw:
Diolch for posting and offering to help Rhianne. This is indeed a vital issue for all of us.