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Folsom am byth! Plus, H-e-e-e-e-lppppppp!!!!!!!
Hot and VERY sunny here in Folsom CA- in the 100's F this week, dropping to a mere 97 tomorrow ..... I see on my i-phone it's in the 50's F and showery in Aberystwyth. Aaaah! At least it'll be that lovely green colour everywhere, unlike here, where the world is turning browner by the hour.
Now, the help bit. I need to listen to slow, steady audio recordings of Psalms 23 & 121, spoken in Welsh, from the 1588 Bishop Morgan Welsh translation.Does anyone know of such recordings? or perhaps if you are aWelsh speaker, you might just possibly speak theminto your built-in computer mike, and send me the resultant audio file??? Recording quality doesn't matter, as long as the words are audible!
Why ? I hear you ask. Well, I have a perfomance project called 'Songs of God - A Perfomance', consisting in declaiming, for want of a better word, lyrical passages from the Bible (I'm using 3 versions: Tyndale, King James and the Morgan Bible) and poetry inspired by it; and I really, really want to include pieces from the wonderful Welsh translation. Now my mom, Gertie Preece, left Wales when she was three months old, as the family moved to Hereford; and her Welsh mom died young; so she, and consequently her kids, grew up speaking English. I can read Welsh very slowly, and can understand it a little if it's spoken real slow, but I do need help with intonation, stress and pronunciation. Hence the above request!
In return, my saviour will have my undying gratitude, honorable mentions on my Songs of God website and blog*, full credit on my upcoming Songs of God CD, free copy of same, and complimentary admission to my performance, should I ever be appearing in your locality.
That's it, really! Hope you can help!
Phil Ryder
* Website: And you can accessmy Songs of God blog via a link on the site.
Still 'Hellllp!!'
Thanks againto Swansea Jack (see below); however, the spoken voice version of Salm 23 Jack linked me to, is not the original Bishop Morgan 1588 verion after all - substantial chunk of it are, so I suspect it's a later adaptation ...
Having searched the net extensively, Ihaven't come up with any other recordings of Salm 23, or any at all of Salm 121 ... I have found a good web site with the whole New Testament in Welsh,I'm not sureyet which version ... here's the web address, in case anyone's interested:
Now, ONE last appeal: I'm posting the 1588 Welsh transalations of Salm 23 and Salm 121 on my web site - - and I INVITE any Welsh speaker to read them aloud,SLOWLYplease, into their PC mike and forward the recordings to me, at . I will give full credit & other perks, asdetailed in my first post, tothe first three people to do this!! Please, help put a
on my face!
Oh, and Swansea Jackwill also still get the above, for doing his best to help!
One last thing, unconnected with all of the above: does anyone know of Corndon* Hill in Wales, near Church Stoke,just over the border from Shropshire, overlooking Mitchell's Fold stone circle? I'm aiming to do a blog article about it here, pretty soon ...
*Probably Anglicized from 'Cairn Ddu' - watch this space to learn why it has this name!
Phil Ryder
Wow, that was quick!
I already received a helpful email from Swansea Jack - Yes, Jack, the recording you 'dug up' is the 1588 Morgan version, I think!
I can use this recording to learn how to say Salm 23 right and proper!
Thank you, Jack, you will be given due credit for assisting with this on my web site etc., as promised!
I am still welcoming other recordings, of Salm 23 and 121, eitrher downloaded from somewhere, or recorded by whomever feels brave enough!