Peter David Gowen


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Blogs: 4

Hello to you all.

user image 2012-10-12
By: Peter David Gowen
Posted in:

Hello to everyone in the world of AmeriCymru. AmriCymru virgin Peter here. Just want to break my duck with a posting.

Tomorrow (Saturday) sees the arrival of a rugby team from Leinster in Ireland, to be absolutely pounded into the ground by the might of Pontypridd Rugby team. All I can say is "Welcome Leinster to the House of Pain".

I don't know if any musician out there in AmeriCymru world is interested but I've written a folk song linking Wales and USA. If you want to see it, I can send it? You can use it with one condition, if you record it and it sells squillions- I want a cut.

Peter David Gowen
10/13/12 05:54:34PM @peter-david-gowen:

OK will do.

Call yourself "Swansea jack" and you don't follow rugby- well, I am astonished (joke) Yes I meant the "All Whites".

Please excuse my odd sense of humour.

Peter David Gowen
10/13/12 09:54:46AM @peter-david-gowen:

Dear Mr Jack (or may I call you Swansea- ha, ha),

I'll try and attach the song. However, it's in sheet music form, so I don't know how to attach it- any advice? You wouldn't want to hear my bass voice singing any song, at any time, in any circumstance so audio/ video/ Youtube songs are a massive "No, no". However, if you go to YouTube and type in Gowchops1- you'll see me in my study performing two poems of mine. Then, if you type in DominicAid, you'll see me perform another poem.

The song is written for my instrument- mandolin but obviously the melody can be adapted to suit if someone can transpose it.Also, if you want to insert Swansea for Cardiff, then do so.

Oh, just as an aside, what happened to Swansea rugby team last Saturday (at the House of Pain)?


Harold Powell
10/12/12 11:56:54PM @harold-powell:

I think you're right. It fails a sobriety test in the very first stanza. Perhaps it should be called "Soaked and Soakiest."

Ceri Shaw
10/12/12 09:49:11PM @ceri-shaw:

Damn!! It's not working for me. I tried playing 'Soaky' backwards and he was still drunk at the end

Harold Powell
10/12/12 08:36:42PM @harold-powell:

"Happy and sober ending" only if you play it backwards...

Ceri Shaw
10/12/12 08:12:27PM @ceri-shaw:

"Happy and sober ending"????? We must be listening to different kinds of country music

Here's my fave:-

Harold Powell
10/12/12 07:35:25PM @harold-powell:

I like it. A happy and sober ending.

Peter David Gowen
10/12/12 07:32:15PM @peter-david-gowen:

I'm with you on Country Music. Welsh comedian Owen Money says that if you play a Country song backwards you will get a happy ending.

Cheers Harold

Harold Powell
10/12/12 06:47:45PM @harold-powell:
Sorry, Peter, I somehow typed your name as Jim instead of Peter.
Harold Powell
10/12/12 06:44:24PM @harold-powell:

Welcome to AmeriCymru Jim!

I once wrote a country song which was picked up and recorded by a major country artist.

The thing is: I hate country music! In fact, it's goes beyond hate. I loathe it. My leanings have always been towards rock and roll, Gospel, choral and classical music. Don't get me wrong...I love Nashville the city (the people are warm and friendly) but I just don't like Nashville the industry.

Good luck with your song!