Nick Stradling


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Blogs: 1

Wales in the West Wing!

Duration: 00:00:09
One of a few references to Wales in Aaron Sorkin's show. He obviously wants to show of that he's heard of us!

Ceri Shaw
01/27/14 05:40:07PM @ceri-shaw:

Whatever the reason it's good to hear it Haven't been following West Wing....guess I should start.

Nick Stradling
01/27/14 09:24:13AM @nick-stradling:

Here's another one. One of the show's exec producers it Llewellyn Wells. Son of Llewellyn Wells.

I thought that maybe this was the reason why Wales gets mentioned a bit if TWW. Wikipedia, mentions Llewellyn's ethnicity as English, Irish, Scottish & Swedish.

Ok then!