Nathan Lewis Williams


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Just joined AmeriCymru - planning a Green Field at National Eisteddfod in Glmorgan, 2012.Seeking content and sponsors!

user image 2011-11-23
By: Nathan Lewis Williams
Posted in:

I'm particularly keen to let you AmeriCymrics know about the plans for a 3 acre Green Field, "Maes Gwyrdd" launching at the National Eisteddfod in Glamorgan next year. Finally we plan to have a proper platform for Welsh folk music (overdue at the Eisteddfod, surprisingly) and a talks tent (the "e-Coleg")for ecological presentations and debates, as well as workshops, green crafts, artworks, storytelling and more. All in Cymraeg, wrth gwrs! Do contact me if you or any of your friends are keen to get involved. We're looking for content for the e-Coleg as well as sponsors who might want to advertise in our programme or offer talks on eco products or services, or bring a stall. Croeso i bawb gyda diddordeb mewn pethau gwyrdd! Anyone with an interest in Green matters or subjects fromfolk / craft heritage to alternative energy, would be very welcome. Diolch!

Iona Wyn Hall
11/24/11 12:27:42AM @iona-wyn-hall:
Pob dymuniad i ti Nathan a 'roll on' Eisteddfod Sir Ddinbych 2013!
Ceri Shaw
11/23/11 09:52:11PM @ceri-shaw:
Hi Nathan...sounds like a great idea...will send this out in a broadcast to all members....diolch for posting :)