Kimberly Wlassak


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Blogs: 7

St. David's Day Festival in Hollywood, California

user image 2013-03-08
By: Kimberly Wlassak
Posted in:
So...can I tell you where I've been all day?
Can I show you?
I've been sitting right under this tree.
This exotically scented Plum tree ~
Gifting me with Springtime petal-snow and perfumed breezes.
I am in love with this tree.
Can you marry a tree?
I would, maybe.
The blue skies have been breath-stealing lately ~
Sunday offered a shockingly gorgeous blue sky ~
On our way to the St. David's Day Festival ~
at Barnsdall Art Park in this little ol' town ~
The festival was great and I was so busy, I didn't really snap many photos to share.
The view from Barnsdall is lovely.
Griffith Park Observatory ~
The festival was the sight of the release party for
"The Children's Voice"
Oh how I adore this book of Welsh Nursery Rhymes written by Peter Anthony Freeman.
I am excited and humbled to be a contributing artist ~
There are so many amazing illustrations in this book, each piece printed along with the corresponding nursery rhyme.
My art piece was created for this particular nursery rhyme:

"Hen Wraig Fach"

Little old woman living in the Valley,
Ragged clothes and heavy clogs,
She had a calf named Twm
Who was quite poorly a long time ago.
Little old woman giving the calf some milk,
But the calf refused it,
Well she then became angry
O dear! She slapped him.
Little old calf running like mad,
And she was shouting "For God's sake!"
Following a calf across the country
Oh friends, what an experience.
My brother, Robert Karr created the book cover!
My friend, Rochelle Rosenkild has a lovely piece in the book ~
...and, my cousin, Danny Walden has an illustration in this book as well ~
All sorts of huge thank-yous go out to Lorin Morgan-Richards of
for being the mastermind behind this publication!
The books will be offered for public purchase on March 9th....
But ~ If you must have one right this very minute, I have a little offer going on.
I am selling the original art I created for the book along with a signed copy of "The Children's Voice"
The book included in this offer is signed by the author and 7 of the attending artists, including myself.
There are only a very few signed copies of this book.
If you're interested in purchasing my original art along with the signed book, you can find them in My Etsy Shop .
So, all in all, the festival was successful and the book release party was fabulous.
After a long day of meeting and greeting, we found our way back home through dark skies and circus lights ~
And...thank you so much for participating in my give-away. Most people had to leave email comments. There were 32 comments altogether, but only 5 people were able to leave their comments on my blog.
The winner of the give-away print set is ~
Joanna Grant!
Now...I'm off for an evening in the studio.
Continuing work on this piece ~
which will finally include 2 of my favorite characters in Gerushia's World
Huck and Pan.
Huckleberry and Pansy are 2 of the very earliest characters I introduced into Gerushia's World way back when I first started writing the story.
Very happy to finally introduce them to you (soon).
Until Next Time:
Gerushia's New World

Ceri Shaw
03/08/13 08:48:32PM @ceri-shaw:

Taking a look now.....diolch

Kimberly Wlassak
03/08/13 08:45:38PM @kimberly-wlassak:

Thank you, Ceri.

I wish I had more photos of the actual festival. I volunteered to help Lorin so I didn't have much time to snap many photos. But, I put together a blog post with what I had.


Gerushia's New World

Ceri Shaw
03/08/13 08:39:15PM @ceri-shaw:

Diolch for posting Kimberly....great artwork

Kimberly Wlassak
03/08/13 08:02:38PM @kimberly-wlassak:

Thank you, Harold.

Yes, Etsy is great. I have only recently gone back to Etsy. I sold there from 2006 through 2011. Then, I tried a few other venues, but I'm using Etsy once again.

Not sure it's the proper place to list my art and the signed book, though. I might need to do an eBay listing for a collectible set like that.

Thanks for reading my post.


Gerushia's New World

Harold Powell
03/08/13 07:56:45PM @harold-powell:

Very beautiful artwork Kimberly! I love Etsy. It's one of the better things coming of the internet.

Kimberly Wlassak
03/08/13 07:28:38PM @kimberly-wlassak:

Well thank you! It's cool to have this book to pass down to the family. It was a fun project and the festival was great!


Gerushia's New World

Gaynor Madoc Leonard
03/08/13 07:02:04PM @gaynor-madoc-leonard:

I love the illustrations. What a talented family you are!