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A Film Wish List
Earnings from tourism are a big part of most countries earnings along with invisible earnings from crime...but we won't go there! Just from looking at the banners on this site the image that Wales displays world wide is of great importance. Wales is showcased by Ceri Shaws work with the Eisteddfods which helps to raise the profile of Wales our language and culture. Another member of our merry band on this site Gustavo Letelier is a film maker from Chile who is very seriously interested in making a joint Chilean Welsh film production. Talking to Gustavo made me wonder about these questions below.
Could I ask anyone interested to give their opinions. I'll be starting off with my two penneth worth and am speaking as someone who comes from Canton in Cardiff, who went to Cathays High and because of Dad had Welsh as my first language. I am someone who still misses Clark's Pie and a potato fritter in batter from Yans in Whitchurch Road, almost opposite St Joe's Club in Cardiff and being able to go to Dorothy (down the side of the Brain's Brewery) for Chicken Curry on the bone and chips after going clubbing. I also remember the Brown Bear who stood in the door way of the tobacconist on the corner by the Prince of Wales by the bus station. That bear had it's knee rubbed by so many children that it had no fur left on its knee. Watching the tidal bore going up the Seven Estuary near Seven Tunnel Junction. Those are my memories and are a part of Wales that make Wales unique. For those who are not born in Wales, it would be interesting to see your answers as you will see Wales differently that Ceri Shaw, Dr Conker of Sicknote and we other natives do.
So in any film that shows Wales and the Welsh without the daft stereo-types, what does everyone think it should show not so it looks like a tourism film but shows the heart of the people and what is important to the Welsh as a culture? Our quirks, our idiosyncrasies, our humour, our soul.
Hi Kerry....great post! I'd love to see something on the Rebecca Riots . A film on that subject would have everything...comedy, violence, politics... even cross dressing
There is enough solid research on the subject to make it historically accurate too. Will post some more ideas as I think of them.