Ken Thomas2


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Ospreys Supporters Choir sing Myfanwy in Southwark Catherdral

Duration: 00:02:45
During a recent visit to London we were kindly granted permission to sing a number of songs in the ancient and beautiful setting of Southwark Cathedral. Here...

David Llewelyn Williams
12/21/12 04:27:50AM @david-llewelyn-williams:

Why do choirs always leave out the second verse? See John Cale's beautiful translation if you don't understand the story.

Ken Thomas2
12/10/12 10:58:06PM @ken-thomas2:

Thank you Janet

Janet Louise Mancini
12/10/12 10:51:52PM @janet-louise-mancini:

Beautiful choir.

Ken Thomas2
12/10/12 10:50:51PM @ken-thomas2:

Diolch Ceri.

Ceri Shaw
12/10/12 10:43:18PM @ceri-shaw:

Diolch for posting Ken :) Please feel free to join us on our new Google+ Community if you wish :)