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Overloading Myself
Gemini, sign of the Twins. Those born under this sign think they can live two lives at once.
Yes, I am a Gemini--with multiple personalities. I hate not having something to do, but sometimes I overwhelm myself and impose impossible deadlines no left-handed person would expect. (Since left-handed people are the only ones in their right mind...)
Right, then. I'm working on compiling my research on Welsh immigrants in the Southern Arizona Territory into a non-fiction book, just to have a number of them together. Thought I had it all organized. But no...double verification of information to be sure it's accurate is slowing me down. Plus, I want pictures wherever I can. Ah, therein lies the rub. The Arizona Historical Society owns a ton of photos but charges--get this--$38 per photo for publication. The usage fee is higher for online publication. Oh and did I mention this has to be paid upfront and they will take "six to eight weeks" to get them ready? Huh? What's to get ready? You have them cataloged, I'm requesting them by number, you pull them out, scan them onto a 10-cent cd and put them back into the file. At the absolute earliest, if I request and PAY this week, I could have the cd in hand by July 20th? And they wonder why people cop them off the internet... I won't, but geez. Still, I found photos in the archives I've not seen anywhere before, so I'll just have to cough up the dough somehow by Thursday, since the research facilities are only open on Tuesdays and Thursdays thanks to the State of Arizona's budget restraints.I REALLY wanted to have this in print by the West Coast Eisteddfod, but...we'll see.
Working on my Revolutionary Era novel is progressing slowly but I've found some excellent information to incorporate. Plus I met with my friend, Ibby whose ancestor is the adventurer on whom we are basing the story.
Marketing my novel continues . It is the Never Ending Story. Blog posts, contests, Facebook--and now people are encouraging me to do Twitter? And Within The Mists , the short story involving selchies, is scheduled for release in July, so I need to get the word out about that one. At least Dragon & Hawk is now out in print so feel free to tell your local bookstore to order from Champagne Books-- they'll get a bookstore discount.
Gecko Gals Ink, our author group in Tucson, is in the throes of planning a writing seminar on October 1, 2011. This is our pay it forward effort for writers in the area who need information. We're calling this one "Book Bound: Getting it Together & Getting Published." Lots of information to condense and share, but I have time to do that a little later.
O'r gorau, 'te, time to get back to the "day off" chores of laundry, errands, and cooking before I have a Gecko Gal meeting and my guys have a baseball game tonight. My son is pitching--and I'm going to miss it. (But I'll get to another of his starts later this season, promise. I didn't miss any Little League or Pony League starts, and only a couple of high school games due to work, so he can cut me a little slack here! )
And tomorrow is another day writing physician reports and manipulating people--oh I mean adjusting spines. heh heh...