Jude Johnson


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WOOT and Yay!

user image 2011-05-17
By: Jude Johnson
Posted in:

I'm so excited! An author friend just notified me that Fictionwise, one of the largest ebook listings on the interwebs, has my novel Dragon & Hawk listed as Number One in Historical Fiction sales today! Of course, that can change by the minute, but it's pretty darn exciting from this end. Here is the link: Historical Fiction on Fictionwise .

For those of you in the UK, this novel is now available on Kindle through Amazon.co.uk - and it would be lovely if you could hit the "like" button and tag it to help other folks find it more easily. The beauty of ebooks is there are no shipping charges, no boxes to deal with, and you have instant delivery. No need to even have a Kindle reader - Amazon has a free download program for you to read Kindle books on your PC, laptop, iPhone or iPad.

How cool, eh?