Jerry Williams


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Welsh Heritage Exhibit

Welsh Heritage Exhibit

Monday March 15 2010, 9:00 PM
@ Anthracite Heritage Museum, McDade Park, Scranton, PA
Attendees:  @Jerry Williams
Welsh Heritage Exhibit
March 14th through May 31st, 2010
Anthracite Heritage Museum, McDade Park, Scranton, PA 570-963-4804

March 1st through May 31st, there will be a Welsh Heritage Exhibit at the Anthracite Heritage Museum and Iron
Furnaces, at Scranton’s McDade Park. The exhibit is a collaboration of the Anthracite Heritage Museum, the National
Library of Wales, South Wales Miners Library, National Union of Miners, Big Pit, Valleys Homecoming, Carbondale
Historical Society, and Lackawanna County Historical Society.
Catrin Brace, Office of the First Minster, Welsh Assembly, has arranged for a newly revamped Welsh in America
Display for the museum, and has provided invaluable guidance and contacts to help make the exhibit a success.