Janet Mancini - Alberta Mancini's recipes - Stromboli
1 loaf frozen bread dough
1 egg yoke beaten - Parmesan cheese
1/4 lb. Provolone Cheese - sliced
1/4 lb thinly sliced baked ham
1/4 lb thinly sliced pepperoni
1/4 lb thinly sliced capicola ham
1/4 lb mozzarella cheese - grated
1 egg white
Follow package directions on bread dough up to the baking. Roll into a 15 X 8 inch rectangle. Add enough parmesan cheese to egg yoke to make a spreading consistency. Spread on dough. Layer Provolone ham, pepperoni, capicolla and mozzarella. Carefully fold dough over and pinch closed all the way around. Brush with egg white. Bake on cookie sheet in 350 degree oven for 30 - 35 minutes. Makes 4 servings.
Hi Ceri, it did work this time, thanks again.
You'll need to be logged into the site when you click on this for it tpo work. Basically it will take you to a new Discussion page every time you click:- http://americymru.net/group/welsh_recipes_cooking_baking/forum/topic/new
Hope that helps
Hi janet....sorry I didn't spot this comment earlier. I dont think their circulation is huge but certainly it will have been seen by hundreds of people. Will get you the link to post directly to Cooking group in just a moment
That's awesome Ceri how did that happen? I had to laugh...........great going. That is so wonderful, I'm all smiles today.
Does The North Wales Daily have a huge circulation Ceri?
Hi Janet...your Stromboli recipe made the North Wales Daily ( see pic below ):-