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To the Ladies on Valentine's Day
Good-NightGood-night? ah! no; the hour is illWhich severs those it should unite;Let us remain together still,Then it will be good night.How can I call the lone night good,Though thy sweet wishes wing its flight?Be it not said, thought, understood --Then it will be -- good night.To hearts which near each other moveFrom evening close to morning light,The night is good; because, my love,They never say good-night.Percy Bysshe Shelley
NO Tam!!! That wikipedia entry about Prissy Bissy Shelley is a deliberate plant to mislead you as to his true identity...which is known only to me and a few select members of the Portland Chapter of the RAOB.
Do us a favour...chuck im in the poetry comp....he'll lose of course....but we love to encourage new talent.
Whos this Percy geezer then? Mate of yours?
Not bad...I'll forward it