Ian Price2


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user image 2008-11-27
By: Ian Price2
Posted in:
I say! I'm not much of a Kinema chappie. Much prefer live gels with long legs and the chance of an immediate liaison. However I chanced upon a rollicking production the other day concerning a spirited gel called Crofty or somesuch. Reminded me of the mem sahib in her prime. But I digress. This Crofty wallah apparently has an interest in ancient artifacts - this put her immediately in my good books being one meself - but has nothing of the starched corsets one would usually associate with her ilk. I remember givin in in a fit of exasperation after attempting to remove Myrtle Trubshaw's drawers during a particularly damp summer in Bognor. I was very young of course. Around thirteen I should think but even then I had a particularly excessive libido.Now where was I? Ah yes the Crofty creature. Imagine my horror when I enquired after the gels antecedents only to disover she was a Hun from Hun stock. It's very hush hush but apparently she tries to hide the fact by sporting a different moniker. Julie or somesuch as opposed to Volker. Too bloody close to valkyrie for my liking.Well I must come to the point. I was wondering if anyone knew where I could reach the gel.