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The Ryder Cup
Ahoy mateys.Ten years a plannin' Billions of lupins spent on attractin the finest golfers in the world in the hope that it would put Wales on the map. It's put Wales on the map allright as for the first time in the history of the tourney it'll have to go into a fourth day. WHY? BECAUSE SOME REALLY BRIGHT SPARK DECIDED TO HOLD A GOLF TOURNAMENT IN WALES IN OCTOBER WHEN THE RAIN RIVALS A TROPICAL MONSOON.
Well done one and all for the Ryder cup many firsts and a great deal to be proud of.
Say that again in Wenglish!!!!! From tomorrow It will all go to plan. We will be on the map and successful.
I don't play golf but I do have - why I don't know - a dislike for having Wales kicked.
Now I feel a whole lot better. Diolch!!!'s a thing we have over here where the sun shines for months on end and you go out without your umbrella
Hi Ceri I understand the word Indian but Summer what is this word???
Oh dear....just thought I'd mention...Indian summer in progress here....90 yesterday....79 expected today:)
Come on Ian they have done it in Scotland and it rains like this all year there.