Iain Sewell


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Snow business / Show Business

user image 2013-01-23
By: Iain Sewell
Posted in:

From the Barkeep's Blog

Llanelli is not usually bothered by snow to any large extent. The palm trees at the bottom of the road, at the junction of West End and New Road lay witness to the warming influence of the gulf stream which hits the south west coasts of England and Wales. It is normal therefore for the snow to pass over "Tinopolis" and start further inland, on the banks of Swiss Valley - perhaps so aptly named.

However, while mydaughterresiding in Crete gloatingly tells me that temperatures are resting at 20 degreesCelsius we are huddling in our house, with blankets and a fan heater, looking out the window upon a mainly white vista.

The central heating boiler churns and groans as it attempts to push water around the house. A few years ago I called an engineer to check the boiler, and as he looked aghast at the contraption. We discovered that it was an old industrial grade boiler probably best suited to small businesses, but capable of circulating around our quirky four storey house. Of course that was before someone added a few radiators back in the dawn of time and I must confess to adding to the problems by adding the basement heaters when we arrived in the eighties. I am no plumber. Sadly the artisans who complied with my request to add radiators followed my enthusiasm rather than examine the actual capabilities of the system and the flow from the pump. This all results in half of the radiators providing an artistic backdrop to a room rather than any actual heat.

My latest engineer took a look at it and stated that he really did not want to touch it, and if he did he felt he would probably have to condemn it! I was satisfied when he agreed to simply test the fumes - and pass it as safe. I know that it is not that economical, however the cost of a new boiler and probable replacement of the whole system means that we currently shiver a little in the winter... summer we can manage fine!!!

And so, recovering from coughs and colds, and sucking on the occasional amoxicillan to kick the whoop in cough, I look out upon the gentle fall of white stuff on the road, mentally pull up the draw bridge, and get on with composing some music and practising the lyre. That's Show Business... Mulled wine sees to be the answer.

I could go for a walk... I could add another section to "Walks in Llanelli" with a nice "Snow Section". The dogs certainly consider this a good option - they are restless and going stir crazy, throwing a plastic up into the air and chasing it when not sitting next to the chair and pawing at my leg.

But it looks cold out there...

Maybe tomorrow - I may be feeling a little better then.

or the next day....

Gaynor Madoc Leonard
01/23/13 11:29:37PM @gaynor-madoc-leonard:

In films, American basements always seem so sinister. There's a fashion in London for digging down to extend basements and make them into living spaces/kitchens/swimming pools etc. It's become ridiculous. Ricky Gervais bought a terraced house not far from me and proceeded to put in a basement swimming pool. Why not buy a house with grounds in which one can put a pool, not a terraced house! Barmy. At one point, it seemed as though every other house had a "basement company" in. Ceri should turn his basement into a home cinema.

Iain Sewell
01/23/13 11:15:30PM @iain-sewell:
Must admit that racoons are not one of our problems - but I often wonder what is really living in our basement - may find out when I start the next phase of explorations - but that will be another blog post
Ceri Shaw
01/23/13 10:48:15PM @ceri-shaw:

Best not to rush into these things!

We have a boiler in the basement and I have to go down there from time to time to change the filter. I live in costant fear of being eaten alive by rabid nesting racoons on one of these expeditions. But still a little Dutch courage usually helps