Howard Evans


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user image 2010-02-09
By: Howard Evans
Posted in:
Montana was reported to have the seventh largest number of Welsh immigrants during the early part of the 20th century and we don't have any sort of a group to celebrate our heritage. I don't know how many of you are still here, but the phone books are full of Jones', Hughs', Evans', Jenkins, etc. so I imagine that some of you who are still living in Montana have Welsh roots.

If you are interested in forming a Welsh Society for the purpose of learning more of Welsh culture, customs, language, etc. let's band together to celebrate our heritage. If you are an Americymru member you can send me an email internally, or my email address is:

Since the initial posting I found the 2000 US Census. Montana had 9,000 ( about 1%) people who indicated that they had Welsh roots. I am assuming that most left when the mines in Butte were closed.


Ceri Shaw
02/09/10 11:06:10PM @ceri-shaw:
Great idea Howard:) Way to go! We'll do anything we can to help. Here is the Americymru members list for Montana:- Looks like only four I'm afraid.