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Welsh Language Programs
I am a first generation American of Welsh background who wants to learn Welsh. I have heard it spoken, more often sung, and have (or had) an ear for languages. I am planning to visit Wales this summer and would like to learn some Welsh (hopefully they won't be like the French when I make errors.) There are several programs available for conversational Welsh, and I'm wondering if any of you have a recommendation. I live in Montana where population is sparse and spread, so there are no language groups available locally. Thanks for any help you can give.
Thanks for the input. I will certainly seek it out. I don't have the toys you mentioned, but now maybe I have a reason to get one.
I found at the library "Teach Yourself Welsh Conversation," as I too need exposure-- far away from classes or other speakers-- to the sounds and the grammar explanations read aloud. 2 CDs of lessons, one of listening practice. It may be another help along with the Talk Now. Simply outlined and for me fast-paced, but if you have an iPod or tape player you can rewind it endlessly. The voices are engaging and the content's basic, but it's very affordable-- compared to the likes of Rosetta Stone!
I'll give it a try. So far it's been an uphill battle for me. I guess my mind is not as receptive as it was when I was younger. Thanks for the suggestion.
To watch a whole range of Welsh Programmes, try:
Thank you Tam.There are many CD's available, and I can't lose much trying the one you suggested.