Gillian Morgan


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Complicated but Simple

user image 2013-02-05
By: Gillian Morgan
Posted in:

My grandsons are taking a 'gap' year. (Peter was surprised-'How many "gaps" have they had already?' he asked.)

'Last year does not count because they were on anArt Foundation course', I reminded him, but he only snorted.

One twin, Ollie, isstarting an architecture course in September. (My daughter, Emma,tells menot to hold my breath: we'll see how he goes.)

The other, Harry, is off on the 'Grand Tour', not of Italy and the Swiss Alps, but he's following the sun, Australia first stop.

The boys arenot an entirely idle pair. They arefull-time LifeGuards, in between relentless partying. At the moment they operate on the principle 'Money In -Money Out', as in 'out most of the time'.

When Iwas theirage, nineteen coming up to twenty, I had been married for a while. I worked to have moneytosave fora house and we had rent to pay andfood to buy.

Harrythought for a moment when I mentioned my teens: 'Don'tworry.I'll keep a diaryand send it to you each month. Then you'll know I'm fine.'

He enlarged on his theme:

'After Australia, it's Hawaii. There'sthis manwith a boat. For ten pounds he'll take you out -about three miles? -and the waves'llbe big.' (Yeah, the surf boards are going, too).

I was getting the hang of the conversation now, while Emmawas listening but pretending not to, anxious to know the plans.

'And, then?' I prompted.

'You know Papua, New Guinea?' (I nodded, not that I knew the place. There was something, once, about head hunters but if I'd said anything I would only have been wrong.)

'I'll head there then.' (The intrepid traveller again and I was glad I hadn't mentioned the heads.)

'Isn't this going to cost?' (Me)

'Not really.' (Oh! the confidence of youth, the joy of certainty, knowing you are always right.)

'What if the money runs out?' - (Silly old me.)

'I'll find a temporary job or Mum can lend me something till I get back.'

(Emma pursed her lips rather tightly).

That night I wrote in my diary:

'Life is really simple but we insist on making it complicated' - the quote is Confucius's, but it might have falllen from Harry's lips if he'd lived in another age.

I shall keep you posted.