Gillian Morgan


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The Changeling

user image 2011-09-23
By: Gillian Morgan
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Jung says our innerconsciousness responds to colour on a deep level.

My tastes areeclectic.I went through a 'white snow' patch, wearing white jumpers and blouses, especially in winter, and I felt fresh in whiteuntil Inoticed itgave my face a pallor.

(White is not termeda colour, as it reflects all other colours. Therefore it is good for keeping cool in very hot climates).

I adored yellow one summer and worea cotton knitted jumper in astinging shade, completed by a skirt in similar hues. I always felt happy and upbeatin this combination.

One dayin Tunbridge Wells, where Emma was living, a Buddhist monk who had been sitting on a wall, swiftly approachedme, chanting. His robes werealmost the same colour as my clothes and I felt mesmerised by him, but Emma nudged me away.

Blue is another colour Iwear, butit can be difficultto decorate with.

I had Wedgwood bluetiles forty years ago and they felt cold in a north facing bathroom. However, blueis good for promoting creative thought and should be used in work places.

Why is green so ubiquitous in factories and offices? Said to be calming it could be too tranquil for places other than the bedroom, but I wouldn't like it in my boudoir - (cream and white).

Orange is ennervating and Ayurvedic medicine advisesdrinking from orange glasses and looking at orange fabric if suffering with gallstones.

I have a Melyn Tregwynt blanket in purple and black another in pink and cream and throws in beiges. My next one is going to be a blood orange red, to warmmysoul in winter-time.

Purple isone of my top colour-pops. Ithas a spiritual connection and promotes clear thinking.Purple was a royal colour hundreds of years ago and costly, too.

Whentired, I prefer pastel colours. I associate black and navy with work clothes and I try to avoid them. (Noticed how Snow White is dressed in red,yellow, white and black? Minnie Mouse, chooses red white and black. Dramatic winter colours, suiting pale skins.)

In mynovel 'Salt Blue', the heroine, Stella, suffers from the tedium of daily life. She needs a colour 'vitamin' to bring her to life.

Stella has recognised, like Oscar Wilde, that : 'Colour speaks to the soul in a thousand different ways'. Sheknows that changing your colours can change your life, if you dare to dare.