Gillian Morgan


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The Welsh Dresser

user image 2011-09-18
By: Gillian Morgan
Posted in:

There's a certain blogger who had a mound of clothes she did not wear. I'm not condemning her. I have a pile of garments, labels still on some of them, that have never been on an outing.

I'm not extravagant, oh no nee no! Quite the opposite. I can't resist a bargain. Asales label affects methe same waya pot of jam affects a bee: we both feel theattraction. Consequently, Ihaveclothes I have forgotten about. Usually, they're 'Occasion Clothes', like evening dresses orgarden party things, but not always.

Iwear white trousers on holiday. These can be expensive,but not at the end of the season. Then, they can be very, very reasonable. So inexpensive, I bought ten pairs recently. Not all at the same time, but over a four week period.I will wear them (I'm wearing a pair now, with a deep purple and blue top, encrusted with a few sparklies). Yes, I'll have to store them over the winter but that's bye the bye.

On the plus, or minus side, I'vecoats I've kept for years and still wear.What I should do iswear a different outfit each day and, this is the point, photograph myself and post it on the web. I could bea sensation. Yep! Sixty thousand pounds a yearsensation, which is how the fashionista bloggermade her bucks. Now sheattends fashion shows, commenting and blogging. Don't ask me the details but it's true. There's onlyone snag. You have tolike blogging and tweetingfor sixteen hours a day if you want to keep the dough rising.

If you didn't know, the colour forautumnis a yellow leaf, mustardy custard, not a good look on me.How do I know? Emma gave mea voucher one Christmas, entitling me to havea 'Colour Consultation', analysing what suited me so, come the New Year, (New Me) I presented myself at the Beauty Parlour.

I was sceptical, I knew what I liked and thought I knew what suited me but, keep an open mind, girls, I changed mine. Yes. Right there, right then.

First I had my face made up. I chose lime and pink eyeshadow, (what the heck, I had nothing to lose and January is soo-oo drab) and soongot into the groove, that is pile it on, I'll give it a whirl, sort of mode.

My haircolouring, skin tone andthe colour of my eyeshad been keyed into a computer and an analysis came back. Oddly, pale green and a pink, with silver accessories, was one of the combinations that came up.

Trouble was, the analyst could not decide if I was 'Warm Spring' or 'Early Autumn'. I told her not to worry, leave the rest to me, babe.

I had never worn this combination before, preferring violets and fuschias but, know what? I went straight out-(Procrastination is the thief of time: seize it)- and bought a pink woollen coat and matching dress. On the way home it did occur to me, briefly, thatI'd gone encrer bonc. To buy a scarf in the colour, or a jumper, would have been sensiblebut, Sweet Mary Jane! I'd spent a fortune! Just like that.

However, trust your gut, not your mind. I wore that outfit every winter for ten years (even found matching shoes) and each time I stepped outside someone asked me where I'd bought it. Ie, cei siwr. I was in the pink and it suited me. Perhaps I'll post some pictures and end up in the front row of a Paris fashion show. Move up, Anna Wintour, please, I've arrived.

Gillian Morgan
09/22/11 07:08:49PM @gillian-morgan:

'Beauty comes before a fall', as they say, Rhianne.

Rhianne Griffiths
09/21/11 09:51:02PM @rhianne-griffiths:


That's not a fashion statement it's more like a lethal weapon!

I watched a 'young thing' the other evening while having dinner at Sosban, North Dock Llanelli. She tottered across the slate floor in her 5 or 6 inch heels and it was NOT graceful - she looked as if she'd fall over at any minute. So I watched and waited for the inevitable and yep, she fell over.

I felt sorry for her, truly I did, she cried, and must have felt like a 'silly-billy' .... her suffering filled the room.

Gillian Morgan
09/18/11 09:01:31PM @gillian-morgan:

Peter just mentioned seven inch heels are in for winter. He saw it in the 'Sunday Times Fashion Feature'. I'll appoint him CEO of the comapny for that