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The Garden
The Garden
Crochet filaments
Measure time,
Eau de Nil, cubed Queen Anne green,
Massed leaves. Capacity of sunlight
Fan-vaults this side of the sky,
Copper-cognac treen.
Solar flares,
Hurdy gurdies, hot or white;
I plant the seeds-
Sweet Williams, Canterbury Bells,
Mercerised caesuars-
As though I have the answer
To a universal need
Or just
A single lily,
Cicatricule of leaves.
Prism of lime pickle spice
Cusping a cloth of gold:
Salt chilli squid, magenta,
Bilateral harvest of crimson crabs.
It's the sun-fast colours that flavour-
Oil of Neroli, cafe granitas,
Tincture of Sedum Matrona;
Wine and my plasma brimming
A song of the day I was born.