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Getting down to work and having brilliant ideas...ho hum
Now that the third in The Carmarthen Underground series of books is out and selling like, er.....smallpox virus, those brilliant ideas that come to one in the far reaches of the night have started making their way to Madoc Leonard Towers.
Today, I've completed a rough draft of some song lyrics to go in the fourth and final book in the series. The song will be echoed in the book title as the working title I had for the book was bothering me and I've decided to change tack completely although the central event of the novel will be the same.
What I would like to do is to find someone willing to write some music (preferably for the harp) to go with the lyrics and then I'd have someone create a video of photographs of the Towy Valley to go with it. As I want this to be a professional and high-quality video, the photographs have to be equally professional. It would be nice to have the lyrics up on the screen as well. Naturally, there would be credits at the end for everyone concerned. Doing this on an invisible budget should be interesting!
As I've written only a couple of chapters and some notes for the book so far, there's time enough but at least I'm now making a start.
The various discussions on Americymru over the period of my membership have made me realise how little people know of us beyond our borders. I feel that I'd like to use this novel, in part, to further people's knowledge of Wales so there'll be some research to be done (and not just eating Welsh chocolates or drinking Welsh beer and whisky although I hope to do some of that!). A Twitter friend has already given me one idea to incorporate into the story so I'll see what else I can come up with.
I've got a strong idea of how I want the cover to look too so that should help get some chapters done in the next few weeks, I hope.
Oh, isn't that wonderful! A lyre would be a lovely idea. I can't say my lyrics are up to much but perhaps accompanied the lyre they would sound okay. I would sing it myself but I haven't done any proper singing in years. I'll be honest, I think the singer should be female - at least that's what I thought when I was writing the lyrics, but I'm prepared to have my mind changed! We'd have to come to some sort of financial arrangement.
Love the ideas for the forthcoming book - not sure if I can help in any way - you have already seen some of my work with my little camera, I get better results from my Canon 5D when I take it out...
But I noted your mention of Harp and music - not sure if the Lyre may be of any interest ...
I am working on some arrangements for 16 string lyre - haven't cracked the best way to record yet - but I have some good friends in the sound techie business once I get the arrangements finished. I have started a Facebook Page Lyre 16 String and Beyond as there is nothing out there for this instrument at the moment. I thought I would start some tutorials.
This is an arrangement I put together of the Bellringing - a Traditional Devon Song
And I am just down the road
Tsk...Robert, you've been busy singing and doing panto! For some reason Amazon don't have the 2nd one on their list but they do have the 3rd. Otherwise you can go to for either of the paperback versions. If you have an e-reader, you can also download although Kindle users are advised to go to and get it from there. Thank you for taking an interest.
the third? Have I missed the second, then? I haven't been paying attention.
Can I Amazon it?
Ditto and I can do is offer to help spread the for my culinary skills,well.....
A video trailer for your book sounds brilliant Gaynor. I'd love to help but my mus
ical ability is a notch lower than my culinary skills. Nuff said but good luck.
Wow! This sounds great! Sort of like a James Bond film!
I just learned the other day that the direct dial code for calling Russia from the Wales is:
007-area code-telephone number