Forum Activity for @americymru

11/18/16 02:45:12AM
112 posts

Technology Rules? by Sarah Z.

West Coast Eisteddfod Online Poetry Competition 2016

Children have Ipads
Sit with their dads
Where is a real book?
That catches the nook
Smartphones everywhere
Everyone is in glair
They all stare
Are their minds bare?
Where is society going?
No real talk
No real walk
Texting while walking
Is the new norm
Will this change form?
Electronic hacks
Are in tacks
How long?

updated by @americymru: 11/18/16 02:47:40AM
11/18/16 02:44:16AM
112 posts

Oh Job!? by Sarah Z.

West Coast Eisteddfod Online Poetry Competition 2016

Lifeless girl
Sits like a frog
Ribbit croaking
On a shoulder
Rough as a boulder
Mind in a fog
She has no dog
A girl just sobs
She is a blob
Dresses as a slob
Where is a job?
A spider sits
On a big door knob
Snow is slippery
Driveways full of snow
If she had only had a shovel
She could make some dough
Her car gets a tow
She falls in the snow
Hitting her toe
With a huge glow
Pain she feels
She truly squeals
Like a pig pen
Will she get zen?
Coins jingle in her pocket
No electricity in her socket
Holes in her pocket
She has no rocket
To escape this pain
What will she gain?
No money for food
Her friends are rude
What shall she do?
If she only knew
Time flew
Grass with dew
Did she get the flu?What shall she do?
How to survive?

updated by @americymru: 11/24/19 06:16:51PM
11/18/16 02:17:25AM
112 posts

Nature whispers by Sukanya Basu Mallik

West Coast Eisteddfod Online Poetry Competition 2016

When the breeze lightly flows
The leaves & branches mildly glows
Sometimes hiding
Sometimes peeping
Midst the warmth of the sunshine 
And the weather cozy and fine
Sometimes hiding the light
Or enhancing the nature's might
The white little fly
Twittering beneath the sky
Playing midst the brilliant woods
Nature whispers within silence's shrouds

updated by @americymru: 11/18/16 02:20:33AM
11/18/16 02:16:25AM
112 posts

Emotions by Sukanya Basu Mallik

West Coast Eisteddfod Online Poetry Competition 2016

There’s a lot to speak about ‘Emotions’,
Feelings that can attach you to your possessions;
Stimulus that initiates the promises: made & broken,
The memories that in future in your mind shall open;
The source & root-cause of all anxiety,
Binding you to your rivals & worshiped Almighty;
The fake fun that can draw you crazy,
The misunderstandings that makes the truth hazy;
it moulds your outlook towards other’s personality,
it is a fact, that we are all gifted with emotionality.
they, the voice your soul & heart
suddenly appear in mind as dart
it is all up to you whether you throw,
or respond back the same to let it grow
either you pursue not & let it cry
or just you ignore & let them die
or you respect them & forget it never
or nicely pen it to keep them forever.
emotions are the vibes of your heart
have jubilant power to make thy smart.

updated by @americymru: 11/18/16 02:20:17AM
11/18/16 02:14:21AM
112 posts

Interview with God by Sukanya Basu Mallik

West Coast Eisteddfod Online Poetry Competition 2016

(One summer night, when my holidays were on, I lay in my bed exploring the pages of “The Telegraph in Schools”. That issue featured interviews of various celebrities by enthusiastic school students. I was too drowsy but, being highly interested in reading that interview I tried hard to continue but my eyes gave way. I dreamt that I had an interview with God. )

“So you would like to interview me?” God asked
 “If you have the time” I said.
 God smiled
 “My time is eternity”
 “What questions do you have in mind for me?”
 “What surprises you most about humankind?...”
 God answered...
 “That they get bored with childhood.
 They rush to grow up and then
 long to be children again.”
 “That they lose their health to make money
 and then lose their money to restore their health.”
 “That by thinking anxiously about the future,
 they forget the present,
 such that they live in neither
 the present nor the future.”
 That they live as if they will never die,
 and die as if they had never lived.”
 God’s hand took mine
 and we were silent for awhile
 and then I asked...
 “As a parent, what are some of life’s lessons
 you want your children to learn?”
 God replied with a smile
 “To learn they cannot make anyone love them.
 What they can do is let themselves be loved.”
 “To learn that it is not good
 to compare themselves to others.”
 “To learn that a rich person is not one who has the most,
 but is one who needs the least.”
 “To learn that it only takes a few seconds
 to open profound wounds in persons we love,
 and it takes many years to heal them.”
 “To learn to forgive by
 practicing forgiveness.”
 “To learn that there are persons who love them dearly,
 but simply do not know how to express or show
 their feelings.”
 “To learn that two people
 can look at the same thing
 and see it differently.”
 “To learn that it is not always enough that they
 be forgiven by others. But that they must
 forgive themselves.”
 “And to learn that I am here always.”

updated by @americymru: 11/24/19 06:16:51PM
11/18/16 01:46:36AM
112 posts

Gentle Glide Along a Fractal Tree by Christine Talley

West Coast Eisteddfod Online Poetry Competition 2016

First, I find I am in the softest of cloud-blankets, caressing my body like a tender embrace.


I realize calmness permeates by body and soul as I gently navigate along peaceful fractal ribbon-trees.


Ahhh, the cloud-blanket is composed of the love from and for every person I’ve been blessed to meet.


Tranquility …

… … … … … )

( … … … …

… … … )

( … …


updated by @americymru: 11/24/19 06:16:51PM
11/18/16 01:44:43AM
112 posts

Calm Peaceful Poem (in a Quantum Sea) by Christine Talley

West Coast Eisteddfod Online Poetry Competition 2016

A gentle sea caresses me, impossible to sink because it is an alien yet familiar tranquil sea (full of love? salt? I’m buoyant.)


Tiny (oh so tiny, Planck-scale!) bubble-fishes in the quantum foam . . . give me kisses just as I think I might need one.


Whoever thought a “boring” story with no plot . . . could be fun/nourishing/soothing or

Maybe just silly so I smile.


But it is relaxing in this turquoise sea, the storm fading into the distance like the cosmic/microwave background of the birth of the universe- there, probably I guess, ever present but only recently discovered- or always somehow known and part of my being.


Sweetness, gentle quantum foam fishes- every person I ever loved- surrounding me and holding me but flitting away or coming back- allowing me to rest and be free.

updated by @americymru: 11/24/19 06:16:51PM
11/18/16 01:42:59AM
112 posts

The Crik in Henry's Woods by Christine Talley

West Coast Eisteddfod Online Poetry Competition 2016

There's a lovely crik in Henry's Woods
That lightly laps at spider feet
And chuckle-tumbles over pebbles,
And runs around rocks.
It curves into shallow hollows,
Flowing near ferns,
Meandering over moist mosses,
And I stand in its sweet coolness,
My world's eighth wonder.

updated by @americymru: 11/24/19 06:16:51PM
11/18/16 01:41:43AM
112 posts

Lesson for a Young Nurse by Christine Talley

West Coast Eisteddfod Online Poetry Competition 2016

 I move from one patient to the next,

dispensing pills, evaluating pains, checking the color of nailbeds.


Suddenly this elderly lady with shaky hands

gives me something small and hard.

I stare down and my palm stares back.


I was never taught in nursing school how to deal with this fragility.

A glass eye.


OK, I'm calm,


I'm calm, washing someone's eyeball.

Slippery glass above hard porcelain.

Drain leering at me as the eye swirls in my palm.


OK, I'm calm.


A grateful little woman smiles at me with her eyes.

updated by @americymru: 11/24/19 06:16:51PM
11/17/16 11:53:19PM
112 posts

THE DEATH”S COTYLEDON by Jyoti Mugalikar

West Coast Eisteddfod Online Poetry Competition 2016

Towards the dried clots of evening’s old cataract

Skate the deserted church’s residual blunt air

Steadily creeping over the nostrils of dire slumber

Burying it’s sequel’s groans at pain’s square


The crotched pulse severs hymns

Born at every sickled iridiscence

Squelching every sprouted breath of hope’s basin

Crippling yet another edge of heart’s crescence


The heaven’s pectoral soul crams

In its beheaded word’s tidal beats

Trembling in the pulpit’s dim shadow

Where the silence smitten dust screams


The gums of morning’s bangled mist

Addle the maimed bark of dawn

And the basked claws of numb clouds

Nurture the chronic glimpse of death’s cotyledon.

updated by @americymru: 11/18/16 12:07:43AM