Forum Activity for @ymwelydd-anfynych

Ymwelydd anfynych
08/06/09 05:19:04PM
11 posts

Welsh Dragon Tattoo

Promoting Wales in the USA

I'm curious as to why the dragon should be facing forward in your tattoo. The dragon on the flag, of course, should always face to the left (towards Ireland - or, in our cases, towards the Americas). That would mean that if it were on your left arm, it would be facing forward, and if on your right, backwards.That said, I doubt you'd offend anybody whichever way it was facing, and if the discussion arose, you could always say that this one is a homesick American Welsh dragon!
Ymwelydd anfynych
06/01/09 01:29:35AM
11 posts

Watching S4C in the USA

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

interesting.Peidiwch ag ofni'r Grwp Gymraeg - does dim byd yn cael ei guddio draw fan'na! (i'r gwrthwyneb, am a ddeallaf i: gallai fod yn fodd i gael mwy o bobl i gymryd sylw, am fod aelodau o "grwpiau" yn cael hysbysebiadau am drafodaethau newydd, tra mae rhai fel hyn, sy'n ddi-gategori, yn gallu mynd ar goll yn y feed).
Ymwelydd anfynych
05/29/09 06:56:20PM
11 posts

Watching S4C in the USA

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

We discussed this in quite some length on a previous thread, but that thread seems to have been deleted from the website. Basically we drew blanks, if I remember (though I understand that there are ways of piggybacking on servers in the UK so as to camouflage the IP address (which is the root of the problem, it seems - i.e. that extra-UK IPs are blocked).Llwyddais i ffeindio'r Chwe Gwlad un tro, ar ryw wefan neu'i gilydd, ond o ran rhaglenni cyffredin 'sgen i ddim syniad.How do you get the BBC?[It seems that this might be a useful discussion to have in Grwp y Gymraeg - do you fancy reposting your query over there?]
Ymwelydd anfynych
05/24/09 10:16:34PM
11 posts


General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

And it's in the OED as both a noun and a verb; the entry for the verb lists a further meaning (though the usage still seems fairly restricted to Wales):1921 J. A. BRADNEY in Archologia Cambrensis 7th Ser. 1 146 Used only in English; a man orders his dog to go cwtsh in the corner. 1992 Times (Nexis) 28 Feb., You can also say, cwch down as in cwch down and sleep now. 2001 Western Mail (Nexis) 25 Sept. 13 Dogs are sometimes told to go and cwtch.Interesting to note the change in spelling as it moves from Welsh (with an "s(h)") to English (with a "ch"). A shame though that the OED gives little help with the etymology.
Ymwelydd anfynych
05/24/09 09:53:28PM
11 posts


General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

1. "cwts(h)": a cuddle, a hug, etc., as Euros Childs sings on the Bore Da album:Mae pawb yn y bydar ddiwedd y dyddyn hoffi cwtsh2. "cwts(h)-dan-str", the cupboard under the stairs
Ymwelydd anfynych
05/05/09 08:26:10PM
11 posts

My name in Welsh

Promoting Wales in the USA

Suggestions for Dark Spirit Frog:Broga'r Ysbryd Tywyll ((The) Frog of the Dark Spirit)Broga Tywyll ei Ysbryd (A frog with a dark spirit)Broga Ysbrydol Tywyll (spiritual frog which is also darl)Broga Tywyll Ysbrydol (Dark frog which happens to be spiritual)etc.not an open and shut case!
Ymwelydd anfynych
01/12/09 09:46:36PM
11 posts

Hey, Everybody, Should We Have a New Name and a New Logo?

Promoting Wales in the USA

Grammar moderator here. "Y Ddraig Goch" is of course correct. But take away the 'y' and it becomes "Draig Goch". No words in Welsh begin with "dd" unless they're mutated."Ddraig Goch!" would be correct: "O, Red Dragon!"But anyway: 'gwell Cymraeg crap na Saesneg slic'! :)
Ymwelydd anfynych
01/12/09 09:07:16PM
11 posts

Hey, Everybody, Should We Have a New Name and a New Logo?

Promoting Wales in the USA

Mae rheswm da arall dros gadw'r enw, sef taw ym Mericia y dechreuodd y peth ac o fan hyn mae'n cael ei redeg.Byddai'n drueni newid ffocws y peth hyd yn oed cyn iddo gael cyfle i ymsefydlu'n iawn.Wn i ddim beth sy'n bod ar y logo, chwaith - mae'n syml, mae'n drawiadol... bydd angen rhywbeth da iawn i'w guro!